Friday, July 18, 2008

John 6:27

To begin, on Monday of this week, my life changed. It was me stepping off that cliff I've been afraid of for so long.
Letting go.
Trying to detach.
Reaching out for counsel.
Actively seeking out direction.

I got excited. I let go of the fear. I decided to go with it.

Fast -forward to night before last and yesterday.
What if?
How can I do this?!?
Where am I going?
Will anybody be there to help me when I fall? (Note that it's when, not if)

So, this morning, I got a pleasant surprise from God.
"But don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval."

At first glance (and indeed, the several times I've read that before), it seems like Jesus is just saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff." You know, for other people. NOT ME. As I read this verse today, I was reminded that if God will take care of the sparrows, He takes care of me even more so. (yep, me. not other people) And, that I have zero to worry about. He's in control and He can be trusted to guide me through.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Spiritual Wilderness

This morning, I'm reading my daily devotional and I come across the following sentences:

As surely as there are times to go to the wilderness, there are also times to leave it and move on. How funny we humans are--we go kicking and screaming into the wilderness of pain or sickness--and then we grow accustomed to it and resist the idea of moving on. . . . Some would avoid desert experiences at all cost, deny they exist, deny their validity. But desert experiences are valuable . . . we hear God's voice and He refreshes while we are there. But the time will come--if we are committed to growth-when we will leave the wilderness.

I think this describes me to a T. I'm stuck in the wilderness and resisting the idea of moving on. This is a call to action for me to be committed to growth so that I, too, can "leave the wilderness."

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hey Ladiees . . .


Sorry, that's stuck in my brain right now. It's a fabulous little ditty from my *ahem* early childhood.

I'm finding myself at a crux. At a precipice. At a place where I could fall flat on my face or fly like a bird. Honestly, it scares the crap out of me.

I've never been great at making change in my life. Yet, here I stand, feeling like it is well beyond time to be making changes and stop wasting my life.

Now, let's just hope I stay brave.