Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ID10T aka User Error

Ok, so I pride myself in not being a totally computer illiterate user. In fact, most of the time I act sort of smugly. "I can do this. Here, let me help you." *rolls eyes*

Today, I got my comeuppance.

To start, I needed to listen to a flash presentation that had sound.
I clicked play. Nothing.
I checked the volume. Set at its highest.
I plugged in my headphones. Still nothing.

So, I reluctantly called up IT and explained what I had done and how I couldn't hear anything.

Fast forward a couple of hours . . . .
IT guy shows up. Realizes that the set-up is wrong. Switches out one cable and VOILA! I have sound. That, in and of itself, makes me slightly foolish. I mean, come on. Who couldn't figure that out?

Meanwhile, I go eat some lunch and then come back to my desk. "Ok. I'm ready. Let's do this," I think to myself. I sit down and proceed to plug my headphones back into the jack on the tower. I locate the URL of the training session and away I go . . .

Or so I thought. I press play and I can hear the sound, but not very well. Accordingly, I turn up the volume on my computer. Yet, I am still having a hard time hearing. I turn up the volume some more. At this point, I'm wondering, "What is wrong with my headphones?" and also, I'm thinking, "Crap! I don't have the funds to invest in new headphones right now."

The next thing I know, my ever-so-gracious co-worker comes over and says to me, "Ummm, that's really loud." Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, the sound was coming out of the speakers from my computer--not my headphones. You know how people always say that noise-reducing earbuds are amazing? I'm hear to testify that they really are. They work so well that I couldn't hear the sound on my computer. A mere 15 inches from my head.
The End.

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